Friday, August 19, 2016

Unsure if you should to be gluten free? Read this!

University of California - Davis' Integrated Medicine program does some great work in explaining the different types of issues that can arise with eating wheat... and in this article, all readers are provided common sense nutritional information.

Have a good read - and pass it on, too!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

It's hot... Eat real Italian water ice and deliciously cool off!

What is fat free, gluten free, and Kosher... Rita's Water Ice and Custard in West Plano at Legacy and 7000 Independence Drive.  Check out their website here:

Enjoy your frosty snacks inside at cozy tables or outside at a table for two... and consider having your next celebration cake made here with their creamy East Coast-style custard. (FYI - you will never eat fro-yo again.)

Owner/manager, Troy and his staff are efficient and extend warm hospitality as each guest enters the store.  Young and old will enjoy the variety of flavors and mixtures made fresh everyday at Rita's.

And coming soon... a mobile truck to bring Rita's treats to your home or office party!