Friday, August 30, 2019


I just saw this on an FB post for the page: Beyond Celiac. It takes a lot to shock me, but this notice did.  I'm not going to paraphrase it. I've included it as written here:

"UPDATE: ...Wheat paste or other "edible" adhesives seem plausible for straws, and we felt the caution was warranted. As always, we strive to be evidence-based and needed to do more research before issuing the cautionary note. Some restaurants *do* use actual pasta for straws, so if nothing else, we want people to be aware of hidden sources of gluten where you might not imagine to find it. We will continue to try to get to the bottom of the paper straw issue.
Attention: Paper straws can contain gluten, as can other natural or biodegradable straws that use wheat starch as a binding agent. Some restaurants even use pasta straws!
When eating out at a restaurant or coffee shop, be careful when using a paper straw -- always ask for more information and if none is available, do not use the straw.
For other environmentally-friendly options, consider metal straws, straws made from bamboo or hay, or no straw at all!"
Let's be safe out there. Just like bringing our own gf crackers and breads out to restaurants, maybe keep some safe straws in your car, handbag, or backpack, too.
Have a good weekend!  
See you soon at the Nourished Festival in Dallas, Sept. 7 & 8